Saturday, November 19, 2011

Beautiful Rescue

he exchanges BEAUTY FOR ASHES. he redeems and rebuilds. he awakens. and right now, he's beaming with joy.

Wednesday November 9th to Wednesday November 16th, 2011.

7 days.
2 girls.
1 industry. beginning to shatter.

Rescue and freedom in their midst.

chains have been broken.
the road of freedom is before their eyes. a dawn of light has appeared.

He is so beautifully faithful. It's foolish how much I find myself questioning this part of God. Does He see my heart? Does He know how much I break for these girls?

and he so mercifully and swiftly replied to my heart of wonder.

in 7 days, God showed himself to two ravishing Nepali girls who have been diminished into believing that they aren't worth more than selling themselves. trapped into thinking that this was going to be their life. with hopeless eyes and fear deep in their souls, they dance against their will. with no emotion they tread off stage and are beckoned to a booth to put on a smile and do what men say for a few dollars. this is their life. every night. its how food is put on the table. in a room permeated with smoke, drunk men, and sickening desires- these daughters of the King remain, night after night.
and who will be Jesus to them? who will fight for their salvation?

and as we enter this part of hell on earth, my heart skips a few beats faster and tears begin to fill my eyes ready to start pouring. i hold back as i try to look 'normal' with the three others i was with. and the reality of this injustice played out drastically before my eyes. and i sat quietly begging Jesus to use me as His vessel. there was nothing i knew how to do on my own. He was going to have to pull something together. all i desired to do was burst open the back door and grab every single woman and run. He had to move. and just a few minutes later, a waitress asked my name and my age. with broken english, our eyes met and we just smiled. i asked her if any girl knew english and she walked to the room where they all waited and got ready. a man came out holding a girls neck and she trotted slowly where he was leading, to our booth. in a skirt barely covering her butt, a face hidden by makeup, and glazed over eyes- we began to talk. eye contact was rare, a faint smile even more. my heart sank as i heard her story, one of poverty, lonliness and being convinced dancing was the glamorous life.
this precious heart longed for love and trust and acceptance. longed for rescue and freedom.a friend.
and the moment it clicked that we were there to do just that, everything changed.
joy radiated. a smile was painted across her face. laughter exploded. a story was told, maybe for the first time.

at the end of the night, I left being her best friend. with a number and a big hug exchanged, we were ready to fight for her. and this love drew her in and captured her.
persistence and commitment led to trust.

i so often wonder 'how to' do everything. how do we bring the kingdom of heaven to earth? what does it look like?

what was our part in this? 5 young believers, committed to God and to fighting for the lost. committed to running after what is breaking our hearts. committed to fervent prayer, believing he can and will rescue them. believing the Father is jealously running after His children.

for 7 days, we loved, we asked questions, we walked with her and told her about a Father who wants to welcome her into a family unlike what she has ever known. a man who wants real relationship. one who won't leave because its not an option. who will turn every idea of man she has had upside down. one who is committed.
and as we went back to this bar to sit and be her distraction during work, her heart began to soften more and more. she let go of buddhism, and accepted Jesus.
she was made new. and something switched in her heart- she felt peace for the first time. she felt joy and happiness. she was hungry.

we laughed. we cried. we loved deeply. we committed to these two daughters of the king.

3 days later a text says, "Jesus please i want to quit my job which i dont like plez help me out of this dirty world search and gave me a happy life, miss you"

the 4th, "i will pray all ready and he will help me i know because i trust him more than my life"

and 5 days later they stopped going into work.

the 6th day Jesus flung a door open and they had a job interview at a Christian bakery where they were accepted for jobs, as well as counseling and discipleship.

the 7th- we get a text that says, "ya quit the bar just missing you all of you love you a lot"
they quit. it is done. they have escaped.

and he has awakened two hearts. he's captured their gaze.

and at the very center of all of this, hope was ignited and joy has burst forth into their souls.

i believe firmly that these two precious women will begin a fire of rescue. their stories will spread rapidly and woman after woman will escape.

He's big enough.
It's His desire.

So it's ours too.
and the display of love healing a broken heart is why we keep going.
we won't cease until this industry is destroyed. not stopped, but wrecked.
until every girl has been won.
because they are worth it.
so, the fight continues, but today, two daughters have been welcomed home into the arms of their Father.

the angels are rejoicing and heaven is singing.
Praise the Lamb.

and as we sit in a cafe, late at night- drinking milk tea and diet coke laughing with each other we receive a text that says "oh Jesus i really love you trust you, you save my life, you gave me the new life. thanx Jesus"
and that is why we came to Nepal.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

the home stretch:)

with one month left in nepal, my emotions seem incredibly scattered. I woke up this morning wondering where in the world time has gone. I'm sitting in our favorite coffee shop with the sun beaming through the windows listening to worship music and just in awe of what God has done in my own heart and in this nation over the past two months. I just skyped my family, and words just cannot express how excited i am to see their faces. I have so so deeply missed them.

I'm privileged to be standing on this soil for four more weeks. I'm honored to release the name of Jesus over hearts that have never heard. I'm humbled that He has chosen me for such a time as this, to be here, during this season. I'm wondering the changes that God has done in my heart. The things He has shifted, retied, opened up, dug up and then thrown out, refined, and planted in my heart. I'm excited to process all of this. I'm anxious to see my awaken family in kona and hear stories from all over the globe. I'm curious about the ways they have changed the nations they are in. The world is not the same as it was two months ago. The Father has welcomed home more sons and daughters.
Eternities were changed.
A family got bigger.

So, yes, I have a lot of emotions. All over the board. But my heart is full right now and ready to run hard for one more month after Him.

A lot has happened over the past month. But I just want to share one story that has altered my life a lot. It's been about 2 years since I felt like God has given me a heart for sex trafficking. I haven't known what to do with it, I've prayed for this industry and for these men and women trapped in this bondage. I've watched documentaries. Read stories. I've had it spoken over my life again and again during DTS from person after person. God's given me crazy dreams and vision for the future about sex trafficking and what I feel like He wants me to do. All beautiful things. exciting things. I've never felt more ready to run after something than I am with this. God has given me His heart for this like nothing else ever before. This is one huge mountain to move. and I'm stoked, because God is going to do it.

But two nights ago, I was in the midst of it. We entered into a part of the city that turns into a crazy world of sex trafficking, drugs, and alcohol as the sun falls. We spent most of the day worshipping and in prayer just asking for Gods heart and strength and protection as we go in. Me, another girl, and two guys on my team went into a dance bar soon after we got there.

Loud music. crowds everywhere. lights flashing. smoke filling the room. the wrench of alcohol. screaming. you can feel the weight of darkness. i'm scared. overwhelmed. ready to crack and run out the door.

and then i see. i see the girls that are 'dancers' here. they are beautiful women. i look into their eyes and there is nothing. no hope. no life. it's almost like they are dead. they have lost every bit of self worth and dignity in them. they dance with no emotion. its like they are puppets. it took everything in me not to run into the back room and grab these women and sprint out of the building with them. i didn't know how to just look normal while i was sitting there. we ordered cokes and just started to pray that God would open doors to conversations. i looked at the booth next to ours and watched as men tried to grab girls sitting next to them and whisper in their ears and the girls resist with everything in them and you can just see how much they hate what they do. you can tell they are trapped. its the most heart breaking scene thats been played in front of my eyes. I was asking God to show me what to do, to show me how to love these people. Soon after, one girl came up to me and just asked my name and told me how pretty I was and wanted to know where I was from. This happened 3 different times with different girls and I just got to try and love them for a few minutes. Each one told me they hated working there. You could see their desperation for love. I just pray that they could tell something was different in us. They didn't speak English too well, and so i asked one girl if I could talk to a girl who spoke English. She went into the back room and a guy came out holding a girls neck. He walked her to our booth and sat her down. With hesitation and resistance, she sat, with her head hung low and eyes fearful.

Her name is "Baby". She is 18. She is in the city alone. She hates working there but she is uneducated and doesn't know what else to do. She told me how much she missed her family. The second she realized that all I wanted to do was hear her story, she was beaming with joy. She couldn't stop smiling. It was like she had a little bit of life restored. I got to tell her how much Jesus loved her and we exchanged phone numbers. We have texted since then and I am meeting with her today. I have become her only friend here. I'm beyond excited to see where this goes and how God is going to move. Please pray that God would breakthrough this relationship and move in her heart. That she'd be free from this bondage and set free.

We feel really called to do this nightly, pretty much until Thanksgiving. Were stoked to invest in this so much over the next few weeks. So prayers for this would be so appreciated!

We are learning that ministry is loving the person in front of you. That everyday God has crazy divine appointments set up for you to love the person right in front of you. Learning to stop for the one. We can have plans and agendas, and those are great, but He sometimes has different ones, set up at different times:)

As I celebrated my 23rd birthday here in Nepal, I am overjoyed and beyond thankful for the 8 people I get to be here with.

My team spent a chunk of time in the morning just affirming me and encouraging me. The girls took me to make homemade banana bread at a dear friends house for the morning, including a hot shower (best birthday gift ever), when I got home the guys on my team had decorated our house with balloons and streamers, bought me yellow flowers, made me lunch, and even had gotten a present. We hung out for a bit and got in two taxis that soon dropped us off at the movie theatre..we saw Lion King in 3D. It was awesome. The day was beautiful. I will call these people family forever. They have dug such a special, deep place in my heart I don't think I knew people could get to. These eight are going to change this world. Just watch.

"when your memories are greater than your dreams, you're already beginning to die" This quote has been on my heart for a while now. I am someone who so easily can dwell on the past, or think a certain time of my life was 'the best' and have this crazy fear that nothing will compare. It's like when people tell you that 'college is the best four years of your life'- well that's great, but then what do we have to look forward to? It's almost depressing hearing that. Like we might as well not expect great things for our futures.
But get this, we have a God who promises that He is taking us from "glory to glory". Meaning it just gets better. and bigger. If we let Him take us there:)
"and we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another." 2 corinthians 3:18.

I'm learning that there is always more. there is always new places to see, new people to meet, new food to try, new adventures to embark on. There is always more of this crazy beautiful God we serve to discover. and who am I that I get to spend the rest of my life having my eyes opened to who He is and being romanced by the most amazing God? it's insane. and sometimes overwhelming. this life He has given us. and the gifts He pours out. He's so, so good. Keep dreaming friends:)

It's been trying being away for so long from my family and dear friends. You don't realize how long six month is until you are in the midst of it. Time is flying, that's for sure, but my heart beats a little bit faster when I think about reuniting with my family and friends. When I see you all and get to look at your faces and hug you and tell you about this beautiful journey face to face. When I get to tell you with my own mouth and eyes how Jesus has radically altered my life.

I am learning how to chose joy. how to wake up and despite circumstances or feelings, to chose joy. that joy really is my strength.

"we have the most joyful being living inside of us."
if that doesn't stop and blow your mind, i don't know what will.

There has been so much joy in the past two months. so much challenge. refining. tears. so much laughter. more than anything else, so much love. love has been absolutely redefined. in and out and up and down.
love has never been more real.
more alive.

Love you all so much:) Just 5 more weeks.